Structure Exposure Score
Structure Exposure Score is an integrated rating of wildfire hazard that includes the likelihood of a wildfire reaching a given location along with the potential intensity and...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Damage Potential
The composite Damage Potential (DP) dataset represents a relative measure of wildfire's potential to damage a home or other structure if one were present at a given pixel, and...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Potential Avoided Smoke Production Index
This is an index of how much less smoke (as defined by PM2.5 emissions) would be produced from a given pixel by burning under moderate fire weather conditions rather than the...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Potential Total Smoke Production Index
This metric is an index of the potential smoke production (represented by particulate matter that is 2.5 microns or less in diameter, or PM2.5) that could be emitted for a given...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Heavy Fuels
Emissions (on which the modeled PFIRS and Smoke Spotter smoke plumes are based, and which are generated by the BlueSky Playground) are especially sensitive to changes in the...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Large Tree Carbon
Large trees in this metric were calculated as the sum of branch and stemwood plus foliage for trees over 20 inches in diameter. This is intended to represent the most stable...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Aboveground Carbon Turnover Time and Residency Time
The average lifetime of aboveground live and dead carbon in years. Locations where the lifetime or turnover time is longer have more carbon in more stable pools, such as large...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Dead Carbon
Dead carbon includes dead and down (litter, duff, fine, coarse, and heavy fuels, including 1000+ hour logs) which are inherently unstable due to prevailing fire and decay...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Annual Biomass Data (2001-2021) - Belowground Live Biomass 2001
Biomass estimates for shrubland-dominated ecosystems in southern California have, to date, been limited to national or statewide efforts which can underestimate the amount of...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Annual Biomass Data (2001-2021) - Belowground Live Biomass 2021
Biomass estimates for shrubland-dominated ecosystems in southern California have, to date, been limited to national or statewide efforts which can underestimate the amount of...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Annual Biomass Data (2001-2021) - Aboveground Live Biomass 2001
Biomass estimates for shrubland-dominated ecosystems in southern California have, to date, been limited to national or statewide efforts which can underestimate the amount of...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Annual Biomass Data (2001-2021) - Standing Dead Biomass 2001
Biomass estimates for shrubland-dominated ecosystems in southern California have, to date, been limited to national or statewide efforts which can underestimate the amount of...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Annual Biomass Data (2001-2021) - Standing Dead Biomass 2021
Biomass estimates for shrubland-dominated ecosystems in southern California have, to date, been limited to national or statewide efforts which can underestimate the amount of...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Annual Biomass Data (2001-2021) - Aboveground Live Biomass 2021
Biomass estimates for shrubland-dominated ecosystems in southern California have, to date, been limited to national or statewide efforts which can underestimate the amount of...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Annual Biomass Data (2001-2021) - Litter Biomass 2001
Biomass estimates for shrubland-dominated ecosystems in southern California have, to date, been limited to national or statewide efforts which can underestimate the amount of...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Annual Biomass Data (2001-2021) - Litter Biomass 2021
Biomass estimates for shrubland-dominated ecosystems in southern California have, to date, been limited to national or statewide efforts which can underestimate the amount of...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Total Carbon
Identifying ecosystem carbon is essential to land managers and the Total Carbon (F3) metric provides an estimate of the amount of existing carbon and its location on...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Total Aboveground Carbon
Identifying ecosystem carbon is essential to land managers and the Total Aboveground Carbon metric provides an estimate of the amount of existing carbon and its location on...- WMS
- GeoTiff
SDI: Stand Density Index - Zeide 1983
Stand density index (SDI) helps vegetation managers to identify levels of site utilization and competition to determine management scenarios to meet objectives and is often used...- WMS
- GeoTiff
SDI: Stand Density Index - Reineke 1933
Stand density index (SDI) helps vegetation managers to identify levels of site utilization and competition to determine management scenarios to meet objectives and is often used...- WMS
- GeoTiff