Northern CA Cost of Potential Treatments - Sawlog Treatment Cost High
This metric represents cost of potential treatments for the Northern California region and is dependent on predefined treatments or silvicultural prescriptions, which are best...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Northern CA Cost of Potential Treatments - Biomass Treatment Cost High
This metric represents cost of potential treatments for the Northern California region and is dependent on predefined treatments or silvicultural prescriptions, which are best...- WMS
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Northern CA Cost of Potential Treatments - Biomass Treatment Cost Low
This metric represents cost of potential treatments for the Northern California region and is dependent on predefined treatments or silvicultural prescriptions, which are best...- WMS
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Northern CA Cost of Potential Treatments - Sawlog Treatment Cost Low
This metric represents cost of potential treatments for the Northern California region and is dependent on predefined treatments or silvicultural prescriptions, which are best...- WMS
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Sierra Nevada Cost of Potential Treatments - Skidder - Biomass
This metric represents cost of potential treatments for the Sierra Nevada region and is dependent on predefined treatments or silvicultural prescriptions, which are best...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Sierra Nevada Cost of Potential Treatments - Skidder - Sawlog
This metric represents cost of potential treatments for the Sierra Nevada region and is dependent on predefined treatments or silvicultural prescriptions, which are best...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Sierra Nevada Biomass Volume
This metric expresses the total amount of existing biomass volume (measured in dry weight tons per acre) from all live tree crowns (branchwood and foliage) and the tree stems...- WMS
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Sierra Nevada Sawtimber Volume
This metric expresses the amount of total existing, aboveground, live tree stem biomass measured in dry weight tons per acre for the Sierra Nevada region. This metric can be...- WMS
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Central CA Cost of Potential Treatments
The principle method for maintaining or restoring resilience to the Central Coast landscape involves vegetation treatments. There are many variations on treatments involving...- WMS
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Biomass Residues
This raster layer represents forest residues for the state of California in 2018. It was developed by the Schatz Energy Research Center as part of the C-BREC (California Biomass...- WMS
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Southern CA Cost of Potential Treatments
The principle method for maintaining or restoring resilience to the southern California landscape involves vegetation treatments. There are many variations on treatments...- WMS
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Ignition Cause -1992-2020 - Human Cause
These rasters depict the predicted human- and lightning-caused ignition probability for the state of California. Ignition is regulated by complex interactions among climate,...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Ignition Cause -1992-2020 - All Causes
The original point layer (WildfireOccurrence_CA_1992_2020.shp ) contains a spatial database of wildfires that occurred in the United States from 1992 to 2020. It is the fifth...- WMS
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Ignition Cause -1992-2020 - Original Point Data
The original point layer (WildfireOccurrence_CA_1992_2020.shp ) contains a spatial database of wildfires that occurred in the United States from 1992 to 2020. It is the fifth...- WMS
Ignition Cause -1992-2020 - Lightning Cause
These rasters depict the predicted human- and lightning-caused ignition probability for the state of California. Ignition is regulated by complex interactions among climate,...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Ember Load Index
This ember load dataset represents the ember load index (ELI) per pixel, for a given pixel, based on surface and canopy fuel characteristics, climate, and topography within the...- WMS
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Fire Ignition Probability Lightning Cause
These rasters depict the predicted human- and lightning-caused ignition probability for the state of California. Ignition is regulated by complex interactions among climate,...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Wildfire Hazard Potential August 2022
Wildfire Hazard Potential (WHP) is an index that quantifies the relative potential for wildfire that may be difficult to control. WHP can be used as a measure to help prioritize...- WMS
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Fire Ignition Probability Human Cause
These rasters depict the predicted human- and lightning-caused ignition probability for the state of California. Ignition is regulated by complex interactions among climate,...- WMS
- GeoTiff
Source of Ember Load to Buildings
The ember transport model used in WildEST tracks the travel of embers from each source pixel to downwind receiving pixels. The relative number of embers landing on a given...- WMS
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