Spotted Owl PAC

Deer Fawning Habitat: Potential high elevation deer habitat areas within the Lake Tahoe Basin

Bald Eagle Winter Habitat: Potential bald eagle winter habitat areas within the Lake Tahoe Basin

Bald Eagle Nest Buffer: Surveys conducted for nesting bald eagle are done throughout the summer by NDOW and CA State Parks, with some help by TRPA. This layer shows all nests that were active during the 2019 season. Both active and inactive bald eagle nests are protected under TRPA regulations. Only active nests that produce at least 1 fledgling are counted by TRPA as part of its' Threshold Standard for nesting bald eagles.

Golden Eagle Nest Buffer: Areas identified as the most suitable habitat for nesting Golden Eagles in the Lake Tahoe Basin. 

Goshawk Threshold Zone: Goshawk threshold zones based on the TRPA definition of 500 acres (± 5 acres) of the best habitat surrounding a nest, including a ¼ mile radius around the nest tree.

Osprey Nest Buffer: Monthly boat and walk-in osprey nesting surveys are conducted throughout the summer by the TRPA, LTBMU, NDOW, and CA State Parks. These layers show all nests that were active and inactive during the 2019 season. Both active and inactive osprey nests are protected under TRPA regulations. Only active nests are counted by TRPA as part of its' Threshold Standard for nesting osprey.

Peregrine Falcon Nest Buffer: Monthly nesting surveys are conducted throughout the summer by the TRPA and LTBMU. This layer shows all nests that were active* during the 2017 season. 

Waterfowl Habitat: Waterfowl locations within the Lake Tahoe Basin. These include lakes, wetlands, meadows, and golf courses where waterfowl occur.Fish Habitat: Near-shore fish habitat around Lake Tahoe CA/NVWillow Flycatcher Habitat: Occupied and emphasis habitat for willow flycatcher in the LTBMUSierra Nevada Yellow-legged Frog Critical Habitat: Areas of Final critical habitat for Rana sierrae (Sierra Nevada Yellow-Legged Frog)Sierra Nevada Yellow-legged Frog Suitable Habitat: Suitable habitat for Sierra Nevada Yellow-legged Frog on the Lake Tahoe Basin Management UnitGoshawk PAC: Northern goshawk Protected Activity Centers (PACs) delineated for the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit Spotted Owl PAC: California spotted owl Protected Activity Centers (PACs) delineated for the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit as of July 22, 2008Marten Den: Surveyed Marten Dens in the Lake Tahoe BasinBat Roost: Location of all known bat roosts in the Lake Tahoe Basin

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated June 24, 2021, 15:49 (UTC)
Created June 23, 2021, 02:46 (UTC)
dcat_issued 2018-02-06T22:58:44.000Z
dcat_modified 2020-09-03T18:34:27.000Z
dcat_publisher_name Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
spatial {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-120.2401, 38.7568], [-120.2401, 39.2561], [-119.9253, 39.2561], [-119.9253, 38.7568], [-120.2401, 38.7568]]]}