NEON MDP / Sage / WIFIRE BP3d: Konza Prairie Burn Experiment

The Konza Prairie Biological Station, located in the Flint Hills of northeastern Kansas, is one of the last native tallgrass prairies. Working with the Konza Prairie Station, NEON and the Sage Project have collaborated to deploy a NEON mobile deployment platform (MDP) augmented with Sage artificial intelligence (AI) deployed to the edge. The “Wild Sage Nodes” and “Sage Blades” provide advanced computation and instrumentation to help study a controlled burn of the prairie. Sage AI@Edge algorithms have provided breakthrough analysis of instruments, from LIDAR and thermographic cameras to air quality and scintillation detectors. Some of the AI algorithms already developed for Sage are available in the Edge Code Repository ( – from analysis of bird species and flooding to wildfire detection and measuring cloud dynamics.

Data collected on April 15, 2022 include images from a thermographic camera, RGB cameras, particle sensors, and more. AI algorithms analyzed some of the data streams in real time, while other data streams logged the events and will be used later with advanced self-supervised AI algorithms to improve algorithms, build training data sets, and help scientists better understand the earth’s atmospheric and environmental processes.

See the following jupyter notebooks as a reference for accessing the data:

BurnPro3d fire simulation data is available upon request. Contact Ismael Perez at

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Ismael Perez
Last Updated December 7, 2022, 18:55 (UTC)
Created May 16, 2022, 20:05 (UTC)
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